Study of optical transients of GRBs by rapid observations by robotic telescopes. Study of the characteristics of the environment of the origin of cosmic gamma-ray bursts, based on the study of the colour indices of their optical afterglows and their time evolution. This considers a new method of analysis of cosmic gamma-ray bursts which confirmed the destruction of the dust by the initial energetic flash. This method also enables to resolve the optical afterglows from other types of optical transients. Study of the optical transients as a direct optical emission of gamma-ray bursts and the determination of the relevant limits, based on the analyses of time correlated data from the meteor network EN and other archives of astronomic plates. In the international context, the data from the meteor network represent an unique contribution to this field because they cover the sky area of the bursts exactly at the time of its occurrence or even prior to it. This enabled us to derive valuable limits for the direct optical emission and pre-emission of gamma-ray bursts and to compare them with the luminosity predicted by theoretical models. Another results were obtained by analysis of extensive archives of photographic plates at the observatories in Edinburgh and Sonneberg.
Study of magnetic reconnections in context of GRB models. Physical analyses of GRB light curves and spectra.